Tuesday, October 20, 2009


kottu.. I like it, what about you. this place located next to pillawoods Bamba. we were up to go Pillawoods but it was too crowded. so we had to find other option. so stepped out from Pillawoods to adjacent hotel.

it was toasted chiken with cheese. sound like top class but it didn't taste like my home town Kottu. anyway its tidiness is much better compared to the my home town (kesbewa) Kottu.

KBA Kottu starts to prepare with sound of "TAK TAK TAK TAKARA TAKARA TAKARA TAKARA". the chef start playing drum on the metal plate chopping starch and vegetable pieces assigning to the rhythm of the radio when the order is made. after little while we are unable to listen the song which playing on the radio due to the noise sound. mixed up with vegetable pieces plus egg is very delicious but no idea about the tidiness. sometimes the man who make the Kottu doesn't even wear at least a banion so there is a possibility to mix sweating to the Kottu (may be he adds some salt for fill up the lack).

normally a Kottu cost if it is chiken mixed, about 150 LKR.

Kottu is very famous in Sri Lanka as a fast food. there are also few songs for Kottu that prove how it popular in SL. Iraj weerarathne, a musician in SL sung a song, name,"Mata Kottut one" (meaning = I want Kottu too) became so popular in big music chart that "Rasa risi gee". and aslo Nihal Nelson the number one singer in any form of Baila has sung a song "Gas lipe yakada thetiya rath una". among the songs of Iraj and Nihal I like Nihal's one most. Iraj's song is also nice but I like Nihal's song.

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